Make America Kittens Again Google Chrome

Asia 2022-04-05T06:30:58Z

Shanghai official defends brutal policy of separating Covid-positive babies and children from their parents

Prc's strict rules mean that anyone who is Covid-positive — including immature children — must be isolated from those who are not infected.

Asia 2022-04-05T05:21:06Z

Controversial Chinese fast fashion company Shein is now worth more than Zara and H&Chiliad combined afterward its contempo $100 billion valuation: Study

The make's growth has not been without controversy: Besides the environmental cost of its fast fashion, Shein has been defendant of copying designs.

Asia 2022-04-05T02:53:37Z

Contesting Covid even in the afterlife — paper vaccines and masks are existence offered to the expressionless during the Qingming 'Tomb Sweeping' Festival

"During this time concluding year, Covid patients were dying, and many of them didn't have access to vaccines yet. I think people wanted to burn these for their deceased relatives considering they felt regret."

Asia 2022-04-04T09:xvi:31Z

News 2022-04-04T06:12:40Z

Asia 2022-04-04T04:57:22Z

Surreal photos testify Shanghai, a financial hub of 26 million, turn into a ghost town amid mass Covid lockdown

Shanghai under lockdown is equivalent to the populations of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio, and San Diego all being under lockdown at the aforementioned time.

Asia 2022-04-01T07:09:05Z

More than than xx,000 bankers and traders are sleeping in their offices in China'south Wall Street amid a strict COVID-xix lockdown

For i hedge fund manager, living in the role means sharing a bathroom with 20 people and having no access to showers, Bloomberg reported.

Asia 2022-04-01T03:48:42Z

Medical workers are performing Covid tests on alive fish in Shanghai wet markets as virus cases surge

"Volition it accept to be put in quarantine," a user asked while workers swabbed the fish. Some are questioning whether anti-COVID-nineteen measures have gone likewise far.

Travel 2022-04-01T02:02:22Z

Asia 2022-03-31T08:04:23Z

Former announcer and popular blogger pleads guilty over comments that insulted Chinese soldiers depicted in blockbuster war motion-picture show

Luo Changping had said that the Chinese troops who froze to death in the land-backed propaganda film "The Boxing At Lake Changjin" were "stupid."

Asia 2022-03-31T06:01:25Z

The Taliban have banned women in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan from taking flights without the company of a male relative

Earlier this week, the Taliban government reversed its determination to allow girls in Afghanistan to render to loftier school.

Travel 2022-03-31T05:04:25Z

I walked downwards some of the coolest streets in the world'due south most Instagrammable city. They're a treasure trove for photographers — and travelers.

One of the streets is home to Singapore'due south "commencement outdoor art gallery." Information technology's a visual mishmash of loftier art, street art, motorcycles, and dumpsters.

Asia 2022-03-31T04:l:13Z

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV aired its first NBA game nearly two years later on the league was blacklisted

The league was banned after Daryl Morey, then-managing director of the Houston Rockets, tweeted in 2019 in back up of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

Asia 2022-03-30T05:33:23Z

Hundreds of Prc's acme TikTok and Instagram influencers are actually state-affiliated — and they're pushing Beijing'due south propaganda

To her i.four 1000000 followers, Vica Li says she is a "life blogger" who wants to teach her fans nearly China so they tin travel the country with ease.

Asia 2022-03-29T09:xx:07Z

Travel 2022-03-29T06:xix:12Z

5 things I'm glad I brought with me the kickoff time I stayed in a hostel, and two things I'll exist certain to bring next time

I stayed in a hostel for the start time in Singapore's backpacking commune. I'thousand glad I brought a dental kit, but I sorely missed my flip-flops.

Asia 2022-03-29T05:22:04Z

People keep filming trip the light fantastic videos for healthcare workers to thank them for their work. Now they're beingness slammed for being attention seekers.

It seems like what was originally accounted a sugariness gesture of cheers is now being seen as annoying distractions to decorated healthcare staff at work.

Asia 2022-03-29T03:59:38Z

Asia 2022-03-29T02:15:05Z

A Hong Kong company is selling cardboard coffins because of the city'south COVID-related coffin shortage

Hong Kong's deadliest coronavirus outbreak has cost about vi,000 lives this year — and the city is now running out of coffins.

Asia 2022-03-25T08:49:29Z

I took a deep dive into Singapore'southward vending-machine civilization, where you can buy everything from raw salmon to potted plants out of a machine

Singaporeans value convenience, and at that place are vending machines all over the place. A couple weeks agone, I decided to put their products to the exam.

Asia 2022-03-25T08:30:45Z

Asia 2022-03-25T04:52:37Z

Keanu Reeves' movies accept been removed from Chinese streaming platforms over his support for Tibet: report

The deleted films include some of Reeves' biggest hits like "Speed" and "The Matrix" trilogy, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Asia 2022-03-24T06:17:30Z

People who haven't contracted COVID-19 even so have no friends, Korean medico says

Ma Sang-hyuk's comments, which were shared in a now-deleted Facebook mail, come as South Korea has seen a surge of COVID-19 cases in recent weeks.

Lunch and carefully fugitive politics at the only Russian-Ukrainian restaurant in Singapore

The eating house, named Dumplings.RU, uses the online domain "ang moh dumplings," Singapore slang that refers to a white person or foreigner.

Asia 2022-03-23T04:56:24Z

Asia 2022-03-22T04:51:11Z

After her groom unexpectedly establish himself in lockdown, a bride bankrupt with Chinese tradition to go forwards with the wedding — and concluded up in lockdown, as well

It's customary in Red china for the groom to option upwardly his bride to get married, but information technology was impossible every bit he was stuck in a COVID lockdown on their hymeneals day.

Asia 2022-03-22T04:29:41Z

Unmarried women in Cathay have discovered how to escape the stigma of singledom: Flaunting their wealth on social media

"The expectation of a successful adult female has moved from 'marrying well' to 'be the builder of your own success,'" i skilful said.

I paid $45 to stay in a capsule hostel in the heart of Singapore's backpacking district for one night. I'll never go dorsum to information technology.

The living space had roughly a dozen capsule pods that guests book to sleep in. They looked more like oversize washing machines than spaceships.

News 2022-03-21T09:55:13Z

Cathay Eastern Airlines flight crashes carrying more than 130 people: country media

The Boeing 737 crashed and caused a wildfire in Teng Canton, a small settlement in the southern Chinese province of Guangxi.

Footage of a 109-twelvemonth-onetime man in Thailand went viral. Now TikTok is flooded with hoaxes, memes, and misinformation near him.

TikTok user @auyary13 keeps going viral for posting clips about an elderly human, who people have falsely claimed is 163 and 399 years old.

Asia 2022-03-15T08:02:57Z

Asia 2022-03-11T08:09:38Z

The owner of a matchmaking service that sets upward Chinese men with European women says interest in Ukrainian women doubled during Russia's invasion

The possessor of a dating app told Vice that inquiries about Ukrainian women jumped from v to nearly x every day since the start of Russian federation'southward invasion.

Asia 2022-03-11T04:12:01Z

Asia 2022-03-10T07:38:10Z

Taiwan is openly supporting Ukraine so that it can remind global democracies information technology's 'i of them' and garner back up in case of a Beijing set on, skilful says

Political science expert Chong Ja-Ian told Insider displays of solidarity with Ukraine are meant to "remind the world that elsewhere, at that place is also a democracy being threatened by an autocracy, and that democracies should stand together."

Asia 2022-03-10T05:43:23Z

'Immigration to Canada' is trending on Twitter in Republic of korea equally 'Thou-Trump' candidate is elected new president

Yoon Suk-yeol has pledged to abolish the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, claiming that women do not suffer systemic gender discrimination.

Nutrient 2022-03-09T09:29:39Z

Shake Shack has a line of desserts that are exclusive to Singapore — I tested them all to see what the hype is about

Shake Shack's Singapore 2019 launch was met with much fanfare, with around 300 people waiting in line when it opened its doors for the starting time fourth dimension.

News 2022-03-09T07:thirty:12Z

A gigantic ancient Japanese rock believed by some to contain a malevolent g-year-old fox spirit has split in half

Legend has it that the rock was inhabited by the demonic spirit of the Tamamo-no-Mae, a thousand-year-old play tricks that wreaked havoc and chaos.

Asia 2022-03-09T07:15:45Z

Chinese social media users take seemingly become obsessed with Russian ice foam among the Ukraine crunch

By Wednesday morning, the hashtag "how delicious is Russian water ice foam" had received more than than 81 meg views on Cathay's Twitter-like Weibo platform.

Asia 2022-03-08T06:x:39Z

Due south Korean tattoo artists accept built huge social-media followings with fans effectually the world. There's merely one problem: Their work is illegal.

Tattooing is defined in South Korea as a medical procedure to be carried out merely by doctors — forcing even Instagram tattoo stars to work in secret.

Asia 2022-03-08T04:55:34Z

A Korean YouTuber and one-time navy seal says he has arrived in Ukraine to fight, despite his regime'due south travel ban to the state

"If I return alive, so I will take responsibility for everything and receive the penalty I'm given," Ken Rhee said amid a travel ban to Ukraine.

News 2022-03-07T08:12:11Z

Accept a look inside China's 'Westworld' — a museum that's making customizable humanoid robots with 'goosebumps' and 'veins'

The EX Hereafter and Science Museum in Dalian, China, features an array of customizable robots made to await "alive" — down to the lines on their palms.

I spent a nighttime in a shipping container hotel in a Singapore parking lot. Information technology was the virtually relaxing thing I've done in a long time.

Information technology was easy to forget that I was literally sleeping in a container unit parked in a carpark, cheers to the luscious foliage enclosing the compound.

Asia 2022-03-04T03:41:05Z

News 2022-03-03T06:thirteen:02Z

Asia 2022-03-02T08:45:11Z

Asia 2022-03-01T06:05:42Z

Photos prove Hong Kong residents buying out supermarkets amid fears of a COVID lockdown, in scenes reminiscent of the early days of the pandemic

There will likely be a city-wide lockdown when Hong Kong undergoes mass testing of all 7.4 million residents later this calendar month, local reports said.

Asia 2022-02-28T07:15:02Z

11 astonishing photos that show how Chongqing became the biggest megacity in China in 25 years

Chongqing is China'due south biggest city in terms of total population and land surface area — but it was merely developed in 1997.

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